Month: March 2017

  • Recovering from the weekend

    It was a fun filled weekend, as is common with my Dad’s visit.  However, due to the compressed schedule, I need a bit of time to recover.  My dad typically arrives late on Thursday, and stays until Sunday, during which time we try to pack in as many activities and events as possible, including swimming,…

  • Time for a visit

    Tonight marks the start of my dad’s annual visit, arranged this time specifically to be there for my youngest son’s birthday (which is this weekend).  Always a good time, never long enough, but frequently challenging what with the kids ongoing complicated schedule (and my own).  In this case, we have basketball practice, basketball games, and…

  • Review – Lego Batman

    Had the chance to see Lego Batman with the family yesterday.  Overall, I would say it was enjoyable, but not very fulfilling.  As a long time Batman fan, and a fan of Lego, it could have been a very fun movie.  And in general, it was fun.  Unfortunately, it just felt like it didn’t really…